The Release of the ICAC report on Darryl Maguire and Gladys Berejiklian has been delayed

The Release of the ICAC report on Darryl Maguire and Gladys Berejiklian has been delayed


ICAC report: The New South Wales corruption watchdog says the results of an investigation into former premier Gladys Berejiklian and her secret boyfriend are unlikely to be published before the March election. The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) investigated the conduct of former Wagga Wagga MP Darryl Maguire, who was revealed to be Ms Berejiklian’s ex-boyfriend during a 2020 hearing.

ICAC report


Ms Berejiklian also resigned in October 2021 after becoming the target of the investigation. In a statement released today, ICAC report said substantial parts of the report had been drafted, but it was unlikely to be completed until the “second quarter” of this year. The report was expected to be released before the state elections in March. ICAC investigated allegations that Maguire was involved in, among other things, a “cash for visa” scheme.


The report includes difficult issues of fact and law, two public inquiries held over 30 days, 516 exhibits totaling approximately 10,600 pages, more than 2,800 pages of transcripts, and 957 pages of submissions, the statement said. Questions related to investigation need to be addressed carefully. Operation Keppel Commissioner Ruth McCall said she was “continuing to do her work” but “couldn’t specify a date when it would be completed”.


ICAC report said the report is expected to be “available for supply” in the second quarter of this year. The last submission to the inquiry was received in October 2022, he said. The statement said the commission and Ms McCol are mindful of the obligation … to provide investigative reports as soon as possible after the commission concludes its involvement in a matter.


The watchdog assessed whether there was a conflict of interest between Ms Berejiklian’s public duties and private interests while in a relationship with the former Liberal MP. During the trial, the former Liberal prime minister, Ms Berejiklian, told the inquest that she denies any wrongdoing in relation to Mr Maguire, with whom she had a secret affair for five years.


The last trial of Operation Keppel took place in October 2021. This is not the first time that the report has been delayed. In October last year, ICAC said it would retain Ms McCall’s services “for the purposes of its Operation Keppel report”, “including participation in review and editing processes”.


In a statement at the time, the commission said it would “regard its obligations … to provide investigative reports as soon as possible” after termination. It extended the time for some parties to file their submissions.




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