How many members did Oingo Boingo have?

Oingo Boingo was a rather unconventional size for the rock group, with eight members including Danny Elfman on lead vocals

One reason for the larger group is the group’s emphasis on horn-driven systems. 

Danny Elfman is the lead singer of the Oingo Boingo Musical group. Danny Elfman is an American composer, singer, lyricist, and actor.

The gothic, experimental band, Oingo Boingo, which used a simple blend of R&B and new wave, was a very innovative force in Best O ‘Boeing in eight or more years.

Some bands may take such a special place in the annals of pop music, but thanks to foresight songs from lead singer Danny Elfman,

After years of their most bizarre new wave, this retrospective underscores their poppy, mainstream work, beginning with their sickly good-time anthem “Dead Man’s Party.”